Bob Corker Has No Plans to Run for Tennessee Governor, Spokeswoman Says


Former U.S. Sen. Bob Corker, a Republican who once represented Tennessee, has no plans to challenge current Gov. Bill Lee in 2022.

This, according to Corker’s spokeswoman Micah Johnson on Thursday.

“Senator Corker has never considered challenging Governor Lee in 2022,” Johnson said in an email to The Tennessee Star.

The Tennessee Constitution limits Lee to no more than two consecutive terms in office. When asked, Johnson said Corker, who is now 68-years-old, also has no plans to run for Tennessee governor in 2026.

As The Tennessee Star reported Thursday, The Memphis Flyer last week speculated that Corker may run for governor of Tennessee.

But Johnson said Corker has other priorities.

“Senator Corker has immersed himself back into his local community since returning to private life in January 2019 and is involved with various companies across a number of different sectors,” Johnson said.

“While being elected by the people of Tennessee and serving two terms in the United States Senate was the greatest privilege of his life, he has no plans to run for statewide office but will continue to be involved in conversations about the future of our country.”

Johnson, according to her LinkedIn page, was Corker’s communications director when he served in the U.S. Senate.

Corker this month granted an interview to PBS and seemed to make patronizing remarks about former President Donald Trump’s supporters. Corker referred to those individuals as “the base.”

As The Tennessee Star has frequently reported, Corker has long criticized Trump and Republicans who support him.

The Memphis Flyer article profiled Corker speaking to reporters in Chattanooga, his hometown.

“Corker declared that the White House under Trump had become an ‘adult daycare,’ needful of help from more conscientious members of the administration to ‘separate our country from chaos,’” the paper reported.

“He questioned the president’s steadiness and scheduled a hearing to consider limiting the president’s power to use nuclear weapons.”

In another passage, the Memphis Flyer reported that Corker “has not excluded the possibility of another run for office.”

Johnson said Thursday that she cannot speak for The Memphis Flyer or why it reported that Corker might one day run for governor.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].









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14 Thoughts to “Bob Corker Has No Plans to Run for Tennessee Governor, Spokeswoman Says”

  1. berrello

    Hallelujah! I’m am from TN. Time to start focusing n TN local and state politics. I am assessing information about candidates for mayor and all other local and state offices.

  2. Pandora

    That announcement made my day.

  3. Larry

    Corker sucked as Mayor and he sucked as a Senator! He is a greedy RINO and has NO CHANCE of getting elected ever again in a FAIR and LEGAL election! He was already RICH when he was Mayor and only enriched himself more in the Mayors Office and Senate! Needs to keep his nasal whiney self in his Chattanooga mansion! And out of politics!

  4. Nancy

    little Bob could not win statewide office in Tennessee again! He is a fake that represented Washington Rinos over the needs and interest of Tennesseans!

    1. Ron Welch

      Harold Ford came close in that election when he ran as a populist, pro gun rights, Democrat. Ford proclaimed, “we love Jesus and we love our guns”! LOL! I don’t think he’s saying that on MSNBC or even when he appears on FoxNews to provide “balance”.

      Corker was the Republican candidate only because the primary election conservative vote was split between Congressman Ed Bryant and Van Hilleary, who had lost a very close gubernatorial election to Bredesen and should have deferred to Bryant. Ford sounded pretty good to me, but I knew better and cast a principled vote for a conservative independent.

  5. Gordon Shumway

    he couldnt get elected dog catcher anymore. that’s why he has no plans.

  6. CMinTN

    Think he saw the numbers and decided to forego the embarassment.

  7. David S. Blackwell RN, BSN

    There is a God and see looks down on in favor. Swamp Creature

  8. boson

    So after reading all the negative comments Corker now states he never had any ambitions for governor. Who’s not telling the truth…Memphis Flyer or Corker?

  9. Trevor

    Corker you are a loser! Please stay out of politics! You doubled your wealth and was investigated by the politicized FBI because of your financial dealings! You enriched yourself at the public s expense! You did not do your best to help Tennesseans while in public office, you only served Washington interests and your personal and financial interest! Your wealth doubled while in public office! How does that happen? Please explain!

  10. William Finch

    Well Sir you just made my day! One less issue to be concerned about. Thank You!!

  11. Julie

    I don’t think Bob survives the big reveal, he might want to consider officially retiring. I believe this will include corruption by current and past officials. It is the same reason Corker and others attacked Trump the way they did, there is something to hide.

  12. Kevin

    Corker probably just sits around all day, counting the pieces of silver, that he was paid to betray We the People! And all the while, the real DC power brokers, tell short Bobbie jokes behind his back. How sad and pathetic!

  13. MAGA Deplorable

    Move on and enjoy your 30 pieces of silver.
